Mastering the Art of Handling Criticism: How to Respond Instead of Reacting - Day 9 of Writing Everyday

Criticism can be tough to take, especially when it feels like a personal attack. However, it's important to learn how to handle criticism effectively, as it can help you grow and improve in all areas of life. In this article, we'll explore some tips for responding instead of reacting to criticism, as well as the benefits of journaling as a way to process and learn from criticism.


Listen and Respond, Don't React


When someone criticizes you, your work, or your actions, it's natural to feel defensive or upset. However, reacting impulsively can make the situation worse and damage your relationships. Instead, try to listen carefully to the criticism and respond thoughtfully. If possible, take a few moments to process the feedback before responding. This can help you avoid an emotional outburst and respond in a more constructive way.


Self-Deprecating Humor and Learning from Criticism


Responding with self-deprecating humor can show that you're confident and not bothered by criticism. Additionally, learning from criticism, even if it's delivered in a snarky way, can help you improve and become the best at what you do. It's important to distinguish between constructive and destructive criticism and not let destructive criticism affect you.


Giving and Receiving Feedback Effectively


Learning to give and receive feedback effectively is a valuable skill in personal and professional relationships. When giving feedback, be specific and focus on the behavior or action, rather than attacking the person. When receiving feedback, listen carefully, and ask for clarification if needed. Try to avoid becoming defensive or making excuses.


Why Journaling Can Help


Journaling is a powerful tool for processing emotions and reflecting on experiences. Writing down your thoughts and feelings about a criticism can help you gain perspective and think through your response. Additionally, journaling can help you identify patterns in your thinking and behavior, and track your progress as you work to improve.


Buy a Journal Today


If you don't already have a journal, consider buying one today. There are many different types of journals available, from simple notebooks to more elaborate guided journals with prompts and exercises. Find one that suits your style and start writing down your thoughts and experiences. With regular practice, you'll develop the habit of reflecting on criticism in a constructive way and using it to grow and improve. Click here to see what journals are available on amazon.


Here are the main points to take away:


  • Learn to listen and respond to criticism, rather than react emotionally

  • Use self-deprecating humour and distinguish between constructive and destructive criticism.

  • Give and receive feedback effectively in personal and professional relationships.

  • Use journaling as a tool to process emotions and reflect on experiences.

  • Buy a journal to track progress and develop the habit of reflecting on criticism in a constructive way.

Mindful Walking: How Nature Inspires Creativity and Mental Well-being - Day 8 of writing everyday

Today, I went on a lengthy walk with my dog to breathe in some fresh air and collect new material/subject matter for the artworks I am planning to create. During my walk, I became increasingly aware that nothing around me is ever truly still. Even the ground beneath my feet was slowly shifting, reminding me that we live on a floating rock in space with tectonic plates rubbing against each other until they collide. I observed the tree branches swaying with the wind, the chirping of birds, and the unusual sounds my feet made as I walked through the muddy paths. As a result, I decided to record these sounds, which helped me focus on the present moment.

In my opinion, walking alone through nature is an excellent way to practice mindfulness. I believe this is why so many people go on walks – it replenishes our minds and enables us to return to the moment, without dwelling too much on the past or the future. Today, there is a lack of appreciation for the present moment, as people tend to focus more on what they want and what is coming next. However, it is essential to cherish the present moment, as it is the only thing we have. We cannot control the future, and we certainly cannot change the past, so not dwelling on either of those things can help us appreciate the beauty of life more.

Lastly, I have inserted an audio clip of my walk for you to listen to. I would love to hear your thoughts on how it makes you feel and what it inspires you to think about in the comment section below.

Balancing Passion and Wellness: Maintaining Cognitive Function While Traveling - Day 7 of Writing Everyday

Today I had a conversation with a friend who is currently on a backpacking trip. We talked about the importance of cognitive function, especially when it comes to pursuing our passions like creating art and exploring the world around us, without getting overwhelmed by all the stimuli we encounter during our travels. Traveling can disrupt our routines, and if we're not careful, it can have the opposite effect on our mental well-being than the one we intended.


So, how can we ensure we enjoy ourselves while traveling and balance that with the work we want to create in the field?


Firstly, it's essential to establish good habits around sleep hygiene, diet, and exercise. For sleep, it's a good idea to pack earplugs and a sleep mask to reduce any distractions and ensure the best possible sleep quality. We need at least eight hours of sleep per night for optimal cognitive function.


Regarding diet, we should avoid highly processed foods and aim for a balanced diet. It's also helpful to bring along supplements like vitamin D, vitamin B complex, vitamin C, and omega-3 fish oil tablets to replenish and heal our bodies after long days of exploring. It's also essential to drink at least two litres of water per day, more in hotter climates, to stay hydrated.


Exercise is also crucial. It can clear our heads, help us sleep, and build our appetite, which are all essential for healthy brain function. When our minds are functioning better, we can process more information and make better decisions, which is especially important when traveling in unfamiliar places around the globe.


In addition to these habits, journaling can be a powerful tool for maintaining mental well-being while traveling. Writing down our experiences, thoughts, and feelings can help us process our emotions and keep track of our mental state. It can also serve as a record of our journey, allowing us to reflect on our experiences and growth over time.


In conclusion, by establishing good habits around sleep, diet, exercise, and journaling, we can maintain our cognitive function and mental well-being while pursuing our passions and exploring the world around us.

Here are the key points of the article:

  • Traveling can disrupt our routines and mental well-being, especially when pursuing creative passions.

  • To enjoy traveling and balance it with work, it's important to establish good habits around sleep, diet, exercise, and journaling.

  • For sleep, pack earplugs and a sleep mask and aim for at least 8 hours of sleep per night.

  • For diet, avoid processed foods and aim for a balanced diet. Bring along supplements like vitamin D, vitamin B complex, vitamin C, and omega-3 fish oil tablets and drink at least 2 litres of water per day.

  • Exercise can clear our heads, help us sleep, and build our appetite for healthy brain function.

  • Journaling can help us process emotions and keep track of our mental state, serving as a record of our journey and growth over time.

The Dangers of Putting People on Pedestals - Day 6 of Writing Everyday

Have you ever put someone on a pedestal? Perhaps it was a celebrity, a leader, a mentor, or even a new romantic partner. It's not uncommon to admire and hold someone in high esteem, but have you considered the consequences of doing so?

Putting someone on a pedestal means creating an idealized version of them in our minds, often based on limited information or superficial traits. We may project onto them our own hopes, desires, and expectations, without considering their individuality or humanity. This can be problematic for several reasons.

Firstly, people are imperfect beings with flaws and complexities that may not be immediately apparent. When we put someone on a pedestal, we overlook these aspects of their character, and instead, focus on the image we have constructed in our minds. This can lead to disappointment, frustration, and even resentment when our expectations aren't met.

Secondly, putting someone on a pedestal can be overwhelming for them, especially in new relationships. The pressure to fulfill unrealistic expectations can be exhausting and may cause the person to feel like they are constantly falling short. It's essential to remember that our partners, like ourselves, are only human and don't have superpowers. Compliments are great, but creating false perspectives of them can lead to problems down the road.

Lastly, when we put people on a pedestal, we create a power dynamic that can be harmful to both parties. The person on the pedestal may feel like they need to maintain their idealized image, leading to feelings of anxiety or self-doubt. Meanwhile, the person doing the pedestalizing may feel like they have little agency in the relationship, leading to resentment or feelings of inadequacy.

In his book "Moral letters to Lucilius," philosopher Seneca warns against the dangers of putting people on pedestals. He writes, "None of those who have been raised to a loftier height by riches and honours is really great. Why then does he seem great to you? It is because you are measuring the pedestal along with the man. A dwarf is not tall, though he stands upon a mountain-top; a colossal statue will still be tall, though you place it in a well."

Seneca encourages us to look beyond the trappings of wealth, status, or even physical appearance, and instead focus on a person's soul. What are their values, beliefs, and character? Are they truly great, or are we just projecting our own ideals onto them?

In conclusion, putting people on pedestals can have negative consequences for both parties involved. It's essential to remember that everyone is human and imperfect, and no one can live up to an idealized image. Instead, let's focus on getting to know people for who they truly are, flaws and all. As Seneca reminds us, "Consider his soul, its quality and its stature, and thus learn whether its greatness is borrowed or its own."

So in summary then:

  • Putting people on pedestals and projecting unrealistic expectations onto them can be dangerous and lead to disappointment and resentment.

  • When we idealize others, we create a false perspective of them and forget that they are human beings with flaws and baggage.

  • This can be especially true in new relationships, where we may be overcome with excitement and new relationship energy.

  • It's important to remember that everyone has imperfections and that no one is perfect, including ourselves.

  • By valuing people for who they truly are, rather than the trappings of success or societal status, we can gain a better understanding of their true worth.

  • In the words of Seneca, we should "look at [a person] when he is naked," without the "deceptions of fortune," in order to see their true value.

Starting Your Day Right: The Power of Writing and Reading in the Morning - Day 5 of Writing Everyday

Starting your day off by writing or reading can be a productive and satisfying way to utilize your peak alertness in the morning. You may even be able to tackle the toughest task of the day before even taking a shower, which can free you from stress and allow for a smoother day.

Personally, I like to begin by jotting down important tasks for the day, such as buying an alarm clock. Then, I reflect on things I am grateful for and combat any negative thoughts that may arise. Negativity often stems from fixating on factors beyond our control, which is illogical. As Gandhi once said, "be the change you want to see in the world." If you desire more positivity, for example, smiling and being kind to others can inspire them to do the same.

Although I have considered attending church for the sense of community and shared belief in a higher good, I prefer reading books on my own and interpreting them independently. Reading is a powerful tool for self-awareness, which can help to prevent acting impulsively on emotions that may lead to regret and hurt others. Stoicism promotes rational thinking, and a book I recently read called "How to Be a Stoic" by Massimo Pigliucci offers practical tips, exercises, and meditations for leading a better life. Essentially, to improve your life, start acting in ways that align with those who enjoy their lives and avoid actions that contribute to a negative mindset.

So in summary then:

  • Writing or reading in the morning can be productive and satisfying when you are most alert.

  • Starting with a task list and reflecting on gratitude and combating negative thoughts can set a positive tone for the day.

  • Focusing on things outside of our control can lead to negativity, and Gandhi's quote "be the change you want to see in the world" can inspire positivity.

  • Reading books on your own can promote self-awareness and prevent impulsive actions based on emotions.

  • Stoicism promotes rational thinking, and "How to Be a Stoic" by Massimo Pigliucci offers practical tips, exercises, and meditations for leading a better life.

  • To improve your life, start acting in ways that align with those who enjoy their lives and avoid actions that contribute to a negative mindset.

Click the link below to buy the book that helped me become more productive or sign up to audible using the banner below so I get a little kick back from them when you sign up for a free trial.

Setting Boundaries for Productivity and Passion: A Guide to Starting Your Day Right - Day 4 of Writing Everyday

Today, I woke up an hour later than my usual time. After getting out of bed, I stretched because my back hurt. I remembered that stretching before my morning run makes it more enjoyable, so I did that. The 6km run was fantastic, and the weather was lovely and sunny. I was grateful for oversleeping because the sun rises an hour after my usual wake-up time. After the run, I drank a protein shake, ate 3 XL scrambled eggs on toast, and did some more stretching before showering, brushing my teeth, drinking coffee, and driving to the studio.


My daily routine now involves waking up early, improving my mood, and starting work straight away. This helps me be productive and sets a positive tone for the rest of the day. Starting the day right begins in the evening before. It's essential to have your last meal at least three hours before bedtime to ensure good sleep. Setting self-boundaries around sleep is also crucial. For instance, you should only do three things in bed: sleep, read, or engage in sexual activities. Eliminate all screens from your room. You may even consider buying an actual alarm clock instead of using your phone or using an app like Opal to block certain apps during your designated sleeping time.


As adults, we need at least eight hours of sleep each night. This is the baseline, but you may need more if you've done a lot of weight training or cardio. During this time, your body recovers both physically and mentally. Setting boundaries is challenging, but it's necessary to become the person we aspire to be. It's okay to say no because it helps us achieve our goals and reach our desired position in life. The goal is continuous improvement and to do what you love for as long as possible. There's no end goal.


It's crucial to make your passion an obsession by living, breathing, and dreaming about it. However, rest and recovery are just as important. Doing something entirely different from your obsession is an excellent way to wind down and reset. It helps you miss what you're obsessed with and work even harder on it when Monday comes around.

So in summary:

  • Starting the day right begins in the evening before, by having your last meal at least three hours before bedtime and setting self-boundaries around sleep.

  • Adults need at least eight hours of sleep each night, and more may be necessary for those who have done a lot of weight training or cardio.

  • Setting boundaries is crucial to becoming the person we aspire to be and achieving our goals.

  • Make your passion an obsession by living, breathing, and dreaming about it.

  • Rest and recovery are essential, and doing something different from your passion is an excellent way to wind down and reset.

For help setting boundaries try reading this which is also available on audible, use the links below and I’ll get a kick back if you sign up, thanks for reading!:

The Power of a Tidy Space: Boosting Productivity and Well-Being - Day 2 of Writing Everyday

Cleaning your space will help you feel productive and give you the ability to feel clearer headed once you start working. I have started cleaning my spaces regularly on specific days so that it becomes automatic. If you do this, it tends to have a knock-on effect. You don’t want to do one good thing and then just lie around all day. You usually want to keep the momentum going – the domino effect.


As well as cleaning your spaces, you should tidy them as well. Get rid of anything that you don’t need in your workspace, in your bedroom, in every room. Put things in drawers, in a garage, in boxes, or throw them away or give them to charity. Cluttered spaces make you feel more anxious. It has been proven by science that having a tidy space with minimal objects around you makes you more productive at whatever task you need to undertake.


Make your space smell good. After you get up, open a window, make your bed, and put on a candle or incense stick. This will get rid of the funk. Buy a reed diffuser or electric diffuser to keep it smelling good all the time. When you make a space attractive to all your senses, it will make you want to be in them. You will feel pride about them, which is very important. It doesn’t matter where you live. If you take pride in making your space the best it can be within your means, it will give you satisfaction. Other people will enjoy being in those spaces as well. But the main reason to do all this work is for your own enjoyment, health, and success.


Buy a houseplant that is easy to take care of. According to research, hospital patients who are surrounded by plants in their room or have a sight of greenery through their window tend to experience less pain and, in certain instances, may even recuperate more quickly. Specifically, patients who had plants in their room demonstrated reduced blood pressure, reported lower levels of pain, experienced less anxiety, and felt less fatigued in comparison to those who did not have any plants around them. So, if you have a plant in your room, it could help you to feel better physically and mentally. Who doesn’t enjoy a slice of nature?

 So, this is what we have learnt:


-       Cleaning your space can help you feel productive and clear-headed.

-       Regularly cleaning your space on specific days can create a domino effect and keep you motivated.

-       Tidying your space and getting rid of unnecessary items can reduce anxiety and increase productivity.

-       Making your space smell good with candles, diffusers and fresh air can increase satisfaction and enjoyment.

-       Adding a houseplant to your space can improve physical and mental wellbeing based on research showing patients with plants in their room had reduced blood-pressure, less pain, less anxiety, and less fatigue.

Establishing Healthy Habits for a Better Life - Day 1

Establishing habits that can improve your life is crucial, especially if you are struggling with mental health problems or feeling down. First, it's important to develop a good sleep routine. This means avoiding things that can disrupt it, like eating late, drinking alcohol, having caffeine too late, or using your phone in bed before sleep. Set a bedtime that allows you to get eight hours of sleep before waking up. For me, I go to bed at 10 pm so I can wake up at 6am. Then, start other healthy habits such as having breakfast, going for a run, hitting the gym, taking a shower, brushing your teeth, dressing up, and going to work. Don't have a job? Start doing something to improve yourself, like writing or creating things. Every day is an opportunity to get 1% better at something, which I learned from reading "Atomic Habits" by James Clear, a book on how to establish good habits and transform your life for the better.


These habits have been helping me significantly, and my anxiety and negative feelings have mostly disappeared. Coping mechanisms are essential, so if you haven't already, try therapy, join a gym, and commit to these activities. These habits are for your own betterment, to become the best version of yourself.


I'm writing this at 6:30 am on a Saturday because I want to be a writer. Writing about what helps me can hopefully help others. Bad habits prevent you from being the person you want to be, and it's crucial to let go of those who hold you back. If they bring nothing to the table, are dull, or only interesting when drinking, it's time to move on.


In the past, I thought healthy people were boring, but unhealthy people are the dull ones. While they may find some success, it won't last if they continue their lifestyles. We want consistent results, so I dedicate time to producing art everyday Monday through Friday. It's my full-time occupation, and I'm strict about it. Think about what you want to do with your life and commit time to improving yourself in that area.

The Pursuit of Mental Clarity: Establishing Habits for Success

 Having a clear head is an essential component for success in any field. It allows us to make the best decisions, act with confidence, and remain motivated. Therefore, it is important to understand how to achieve a state of mental clarity. The key lies in developing good habits, as well as breaking away from bad ones.

Good habits, such as getting enough sleep, exercising, and having a balanced diet are important for achieving mental clarity. Additionally, good time management is significant for striking a balance between one's professional and personal life. Furthermore, it is essential to make an effort to socialise, though it is important to find the right balance.

On the other hand, bad habits like poor sleep, sedentary behaviour, and an unhealthy diet can all have a detrimental effect on one's mental clarity. Similarly, too much or too little socialising may lead to loneliness and a lack of motivation.

To reach a state of mental clarity, it is important to take the time to establish and stick to good habits. This includes getting enough sleep, exercising, eating well, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. In addition, it is equally important to break away from bad habits like not getting enough sleep, eating junk food, staying sedentary, and procrastinating.

It is important to remember that achieving mental clarity is a process that takes time and effort. It is not a one-time feat, but with the right habits in place and consistency, one can be sure to see the desired results.


Keep on Keeping on - What will be your catalyst to change?

I noticed a man walking with his head down, smoking, it was like a mirror, I see anxious people, it’s like a mirror and I don’t like what I see, I don’t like to see struggle. My friend said to me “don’t let this path you’re embarking on lead to internalised ablism”, because some things we struggle with take time and some things we will have for ever and we just must learn how to live with them and others need to be okay with the fact some people are different and require support, they have special needs and requirements that need to be acknowledged. Sometimes these things aren’t diagnosed, in fact most of the time I would say because neglect happens, and people fear the consequences of sharing their inner thoughts. Embarrassment, probably a lot of childhood trauma from school, from home, parents, friends, other adults who said something, we internalise these things and they make us who we are as adults and we need to face that, to change. To change something, you must see it or be aware of it. If men are down, they need to help themselves, they need the support of others, people out there with a platform to say it’s okay to seek help, who are big burly men, smart intellectual types, successful business men, all men and for women to the same applies, all genders, we as a human race need to establish that it is okay to be unwell and to try and understand what is at the root of that. You can’t change the past. You can make yourself feel better, you can help others, but don’t do it at the expense of your own health. The path to enlightenment includes painful realisations that come from failure or loss, weather in your head or with a relationship, let that be the catalyst to start a journey of self-discovery, recovery, self-love, and rest. I turned all the notifications off on my phone, this allows me to focus on the tasks I want to do and try not to seek validation by responding to others requests right away, by trying to be something I’m not, a perfectly oiled and maintained machine that is invincible, no one is that, not on the inside and it effects your whole body! Listen to people, you will learn things about them but also things about yourself, everyone is a mirror. Journaling is seeming to help albeit in the form of a word document at the moment but yes getting your thoughts out on to paper is a good way of starting to understand patterns, pick things out, the way you feel, what is making you feel better, what is stopping you from doing the things you want to do, people, substances, not enough sleep and try hard to work on them things in a healthy way. Reading clarifies things, even if that is just some Instagram graphic or YouTube video, it’s a start. We don’t have to be fully okay to let others into our life’s but be careful who you do let in and who you give your energy to. When something you don’t want to happen happens it could feel like the world is ending, especially if it became a kind of routine thing, a regular thing, but we need to understand that things come and go, energy comes and goes and it changes constantly into some new kind of energy, it doesn’t disappear but evolves. Knowing that allows you to listen, sit with it, write about it and come up with a response that will help you to carry on.

10 Tips for artists with neurodivergent brains who are struggling

What are some good coping mechanisms for artists who have neurodivergent brains? If you’re like me you might struggle sometimes, so I’ve made a list of things that sometimes help me.

1. Create a routine. Neurodivergent brains may benefit from having a regular routine that helps them stay organized and on track.

2. Practice mindful meditation. Mindfulness meditation can be used to help reduce stress and anxiety, and can help artists to stay focused and creative.

3. Get enough sleep. Sleep is essential for all artists, but especially those with neurodivergent brains. Make sure to get enough rest each night in order to stay productive and avoid burnout.

4. Connect with other artists. Connecting with other artists can help provide support, inspiration, and a sense of belonging.

5. Take breaks. Taking regular breaks throughout the day can help artists to stay focused and productive.

6. Exercise. Regular exercise can help to reduce stress and improve focus, making it an ideal coping mechanism for artists with neurodivergent brains.

7. Seek help from a professional. If the coping mechanisms above are not enough, seeking help from a mental health professional can be beneficial. A mental health professional can help identify any underlying issues and create a plan to help manage them.

8. Seek out support. Support from family and friends can be an invaluable resource for artists with neurodivergent brains. Having a support system can make it easier to cope with the challenges that come with being an artist.

9. Use art to express yourself. Creating art can be a great way to express yourself, and can help to provide a sense of comfort and accomplishment.

10. Be kind to yourself. Self-care is important for all artists, and especially those with neurodivergent brains. Being kind to yourself and not expecting perfection can help to reduce stress and promote creativity.

My equilibriums on silent

Broken glass is trod on by someone wearing a million sequins near those stinky bins where neon signs flash on and off. Colours are surrounded by a dark dirty fog. Pastel cardigans get wavey eating Victoria sponge, then get tied up and fucked. Balance is hard cos we are spinning on this rock; I’m turned on but my equilibriums on silent and I gave away my watch. 

The Piss Take

Piss in the toilet means that I am less made up of piss than I was before that piss was a part of me, now that is to say that time exists, that I exist and that the piss exists because I exist and after I pissed I still exist but in a different form without the piss. Things still exist even when a part of them is taken away, piss, relatives, trees, thoughts? Do thoughts still exist when we forget them? By writing things down do we make thoughts immortal? If our thoughts are immortal then do we continue to exist, is saying that to think that existence is simply the agreement that we exist with others. If I proclaim I no longer exist, I still exist, even when I’m dead I still exist, when I’m scattered amongst the world after I have finished living, I still exist in the minds of the living. To remember, to read and learn about the existence of people is to keep them alive and well? To make successful art then is to make art that can keep existing through reading about, coming across ideas and images of your thoughts. Our minds, our personalities are us more so than are physicality are, we have to think in order to function, if we include automatic thinking in thinking as a whole then do we still exist when we die and automatic thinking stops? Yes, because the piss has left us but we still exist.

#ObjectOrientatedOntology #Pisstake

Grift Shop Galleries

workers, participants, customers or even worshippers in these spaces now converted into galleries are simultaneously the spectator and the spectacle. The spectator is essentially looking at themselves or rather their lives through someone else’s eyes, producing art by existing, consuming their own existence, sold to them via “the grift shop gallery”.

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Temporary, yes we are.

We are all gonna die ya know, so stop being a dick head, I say to myself. But it’s fun being a knob sometimes and smiling is annoying init?! Like what the fuck are they smiling at, wankers, smug wankers! We occupy space temporarily, moments are fleeting, or that’s what people say. Fleeting, brief, not lasting a long time. Time. Relativity, subjectivity, does it exist? Some things just don’t look good but people like to provoke you, to poke fun at you with their shit art, their lazy ideas, fast and knee jerk banality. I dunno, no wait yes I do though, it’s shite and it has no meaning, that leads to a crisis, one where you are in your own head too much, thinking too much about too many things. Doing the research, the reading, the writing but maybe not formal planning for artwork is important because you have something to talk about what influences you at least, an idea, a concept, a silly joke that prompted the mood, the motivational kick up the arse to put a line down, a splash on the canvas. Those moments aren’t rare for the healthy, the ones with rituals, routines, discipline, get your head down on the pillow when you’re exhausted and rest, don’t force it, well not all the time. Exercise, eat well, sleep well, the self is important. Concentrating is easier when you’re in some kind of stability, not stressing bout things. Anxiety hits you in the stomach like a bag of potatoes, Wack, Thump, Pat’s Earrings too gaudy, perfume too smelly, too noisy, to crowded, the whole world is in your head and looking at the way you do everything, but their not, they don’t give a shit. The things you believe in, no one cares, if you want them to be interested, you can’t shove it down their throats, you gotta hit it differently, gently, not boring, not a lecture, but not so complex it’s unattainable, the mystery is important but it needs to be able to be cracked at least the day after when they wake up and realise, “ah, I get it now, that’s proper that”. Don’t worry about interesting, be yourself, cos yeah we are temporary, yes we are!

blurry halftone of me 2.jpg

Glorified Colouring in

Here is one of the coloured pencil drawings I did today after making some tiny clay pots

look I did a colour

look I did a colour